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"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"


GOD VS EVERYTHING (GVE) was birthed when I had been wrongfully and unceremoniously released from my Corporate job. It was at this low point in my life that I decided to take stock in what I had always known but not fully acknowledged - God is STILL God and with me even in the midst of my suffering, anger and pain. Although at times I may have left Him and let Him down, He has never left my side. He deserves my honor and praise. This is my homage to Him.

My focus quickly turned from me to society at large. The world is full of "VS". Countries vs countries, men vs women, rich vs poor, Black vs White. The list goes on and seemingly grows daily. It becomes harder and stressful to navigate through it all. We are constantly bombarded with decisions on what side to chose / which position to take / whom or what  to believe. It's overwhelming to say the least...

The mindset behind my brand is simple: no matter who or what, no matter when or how, and regardless of why - God is and always will be in control! As the Creator of all things, He sits above all and has power over all.

I design apparel with this call to action for all to see, in the hope that seeing becomes believing, and believing becomes a part of ones outlook and approach to dealing with whatever may come their way. Problems and circumstances may be bigger than you or your understanding. But NOTHING is bigger than God, which is why  chose to stand firmly with GOD VS EVERYTHING!

I humbly "Thank You" for your interest and support. Through your purchase and sharing of the brand, you become a vital part in helping to spread this true conviction that it really is GOD VS EVERYTHING, and it helps us to shine a renewed and purposeful light on our Father God. Plus, you'll look fashionably fly while doing it!

MHunter - The XFactor

Founder and Servant


                                        GOD VS EVERYTHING - Kingdom Apparel for the Unashamed Believer!

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